Monday, June 18, 2012

Vocab Words

This is an image of Negative Space. Negative space is "Empty space, surrounded and shaped so that is acquires a sense of form or volume." This image is done by an unknown artist however this shows the image of negative space, the black area of the picture is the "negative space" of the drawing because it is the empty space surrounding the airplane.

One point linear drawing- This painting of The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci is an excelent example of a one-oint linear perspective. The definition is a version of linear perspective in which there is only one vanishing point in the composition. In this painting the one vanishing point is in the center of the painting in Jesus's face.

This image of a contour line drawing by Nick Schneider. A contour line drawing is the perceived line that marks the border of an object in space. In this picure the outlines of these crushed cans is very defined.

This oil painting called the "Raft of Medusa" by Theodore Gericault is a perfect example of Implied Line. Implied Line is a line created by movement or direction, such as the line established by a pointing finger , the direction of a glance, or a body moving through space. In this painting there are many people pointing towards the distance and looking in that direction which is where the "implied line" is.

This is the image I chose for Outline. The artist is unknown however whoever it is they do a very good outline of the rose. An outline is the edge of a shape or figure depicted by an actual line drawn or painted on the surface. The one solid line around the rose is shows a great outline of the rose.

Expressive line is a line that is created by the artist feeling. It's a loose flowing line that just goes by the artists emotion. In this painting by Brian Luong is a great example. The lines are very creative and flow together. There isn't a solid straight line but all the lines mesh together and create a very unique piece of artwork.

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